There must be an overriding purpose for the church. What is the vision of the church? “All organizations are guided by values, formed by purpose, and empowered by vision,” says Dr. Phil Walker, an authority in organizational leadership. Why does your church exist? That is the starting point in a church ministry.
Write out the vision and make it plain. Without a clear vision, there can be no direction. Vision defines your purpose; the reason for what you are doing.
Vision is a revelation. You do not choose your vision; you discover it from God. Vision is a major characteristic of leadership. Spiritual leadership is impossible without vision. (1Chron 12:32)
“Of the sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;”(NKJV 1Chron.12: 32.)
Vision is about seeing a revelation with the help of the HolySpirit. Once you have a vision, you become focused. Vision distinguishes your church or ministry from other churches.
It is true that all churches are part of the universal church(body of Christ) but each local assembly has a unique vision and assignment from God.
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